You say you really know me,
You're not afraid to show me
what is in your eyes
So tell me about the rumors
Are they only rumors?
Are they only lies?
Falling out of a perfect dream,
Falling out of a perfect dream,
coming out of the blue.
Is it true?
Is it true?
Is it over?
Did I throw it away?
Was it you?
Did you tell me you would
never leave me this way?
If you really knew me
If you really knew me
You couldn't do this to me
You would be my friend
If one of us is lying
There's no use in trying
No need to pretend
Falling out of a perfect dream,
Falling out of a perfect dream,
coming out of the blue
Is it true?
Is it true?
Is it over?
Did I throw it away?
Was it you?
Did you tell me you would
never leave me this way?
Is it real ?
Did I dream it ?
Will I wake from this pain
Is it true?
Is it over?
Baby did I throw it away?
3 ummæli:
Ég sem hélt að Jóhanna væri að syngja kveðju frá Íslandi til Norðurlandanna, í framhaldi af tregum viðbrögðum þeirra við vandræðum okkar, fannst þetta nokkuð skemmtileg pæling, en kannski er þetta um Björgólf eftir allt saman.
láttu nú ekki björgúlf fara að gráta.........var það hluti af brjálæði dabba að afhenda þessum manni landsbankan
Skrifa ummæli